You can find us in Room 434, Ritz Carlton, Potsdamer Platz 3

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Kaleidoscope (KFD) is excited to be attending EFM from 13th – 17th February with new footage from highly anticipated animated feature THE LAND OF SOMETIMES, plus new songs including two with lyrics by Sir Tim Rice, the man behind the classic soundtracks from ‘Aladdin’ and ‘The Lion King’.

Don’t miss further highlights in KFD’s stellar line-up: chilling horrors SWEENEY TODD: SLICE & DICE and BORLEY RECTORY: THE AWAKENING; a deep-dive into the final years of a legendary music icon in BORROWED TIME: LENNON’S LAST DECADE; thrilling road movie documentary THE ROAD TO PATAGONIA ($1 million box office in Australia); and powerful LA set family drama ROSES ON THE VINE.

Other announcements will follow soon.




John Gore Studios announces 1800's set horror ITHAQUA as a new production under the Hammer banner. The film introduces the first new Hammer monster in sixty years, and will star Luke Hemsworth, Kevin Durand and Michael Pitt.

The Hollywood Reporter